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    ZERO DAY 結果共19筆

  • Taiwan gov’t to appoint chief sustainability officers

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai is advancing sustainability and innovation with the "Action 101 Strategy" on his 101st day in office, aiming for a 2050 net-zero transition and a fairer society.
    2024/08/28 14:09
  • American scholar weighs in on ’Zero Day’ drama

    Explore the impact of "Zero Day," a new Taiwanese drama that delves into a potential Taiwan Strait conflict and its broader implications. Learn how it sparks dialogue on defense strategies and Chinese aggression.
    2024/08/26 17:50
  • 《零日攻擊》直搗台海敏感問題 美國之音、彭博社關注

    斥資2.3億的台劇《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》劇情挑動兩岸政治敏感神經,就連多家知名外國媒體也注意到這部以台海戰事為主題的台劇,美國之音在報導中指出,「《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》預告台海戰事,刻畫戰前亂象警醒台灣人」,彭博社則認為《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》是一部非常罕見的連續劇,因為他直球對決式的點出中共入侵台灣後可能會發生的狀況。
    2024/07/29 11:09
  • 預言武統!「中共攻台」影集金主是曹興誠 投資背後原因曝光

    斥資2.3億的台劇《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》故事架空在解放軍登陸金門開戰的背景,這是科技大佬曹興誠首度投資台劇,他特地出席記者會表達支持,曹興誠認為,面對台海危機,最重要的是台灣人民的認知與準備,戲劇對認知的影響深遠,他很期待本劇的播出。
    2024/07/25 18:49
  • 跟高橋一生拍戲有多剉? 連俞涵「心臟爆累」:活到殺青太好了

    斥資2.3億的台劇《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》描述台海戰爭一觸即發,透過不同面向,勾串起在戰爭威脅下,關於人性操控、政治爾虞我詐的故事,日本男演員高橋一生飾演一名台日混血兒,與連俞涵飾演的新聞主播在學生時期曾是戀人,戰爭敏感時機久違重逢,兩人都在猜測對方真實目的。連俞涵透露拍戲3週以來不斷被心臟爆擊,「順利躲在角色後面活著,完整活到殺青真是太好了。」
    2024/07/25 17:57
  • 高橋一生「聽團仔」身分曝光 9月力挺楊大正東京開唱

    43歲日本演員高橋一生來台灣3週,破天荒加入台劇《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》的卡司,他受訪透露跟同劇演員楊大正聊得來,「我們兩個聽音樂的風格很像,年紀也相仿,我們喜歡的歌手也很像,楊大正還有送我CD。」他得知楊大正的樂團「滅火器」9月在日本有演出,已經約好要去看。
    2024/07/24 19:06
  • 杜汶澤台灣租房買不起 驚爆當「統戰名嘴」:收錢辦事

    台劇《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》卡司發布會今(23)日舉行,全劇斥資2.3億元,描述台海戰爭一觸即發,透過不同面向,勾串起在戰爭威脅下,關於人性操控、政治爾虞我詐的故事,港星杜汶澤在本劇化身名嘴「強哥」,善於利用網路力量煽動年輕人,他說:「我演中共派來滲透的香港人,演這個角色滿尷尬的,不過難度很低,我在香港看很多這種人。」
    2024/07/23 18:59
  • 高橋一生「0偽裝」散步台灣街頭 閒晃90分鐘無人認出

    高橋一生今(23)日出席台劇《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》卡司發布會,他在台灣拍攝3週,因為下塌飯店附近有公園,每晚固定會出去散步90分鐘,全身沒有任何偽裝,他表示,「很喜歡台灣的街道,人很熱情溫暖。」被問到有沒有粉絲認出來?他害羞表示:「不知道有沒有被認出來耶。」
    2024/07/23 17:45
  • 日本男神高橋一生「破天荒演出台劇」 《零日攻擊》黃金卡司曝光

    戲劇《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》描述台海戰爭一觸即發,透過不同面向,勾串起在戰爭威脅下,關於人性操控、政治爾虞我詐的故事,期待已久的華麗卡司,今(23)發布記者會正式亮相,日劇男神高橋一生、港星杜汶澤、台灣演技派金獎演員連俞涵、莊凱勛、李杏、藍葦華、陳妤、柯一正、陳文彬、游安順、鄧九雲、許時豪、謝章穎、任敏嫻、洪群鈞等豪華陣容一字排開,展現驚人氣勢。
    2024/07/23 14:03
  • 斥資2.3億拍出台海戰爭 卡司首選莊凱勛「秒答應演出」

    耗資2.3億元的重磅大戲《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》找導演羅景壬執導長達17分鐘的首波前導片,因劇情觸碰最敏感的兩岸議題,探討台海戰爭從倒數第7天到開戰日,台灣社會可能會面臨的各種狀況。羅景壬強調點頭執導全因「情緒勒索」,「自2022年俄烏戰爭爆發,全世界將關注焦點轉向台灣海峽,認為我們的家園最可能爆發下一場戰爭。」
    2024/07/17 17:56
  • Janet當上女總統!新戲完成爸爸心願 連俞涵涉入新聞諜報戰

    耗資2.3億元製作費、堪稱台劇天花板的《零日攻擊ZERO DAY》,集結多位導演和編劇,由《鏡子森林》金獎編劇鄭心媚擔任製作人與編劇統籌,總製片為林仕肯,金獎導演群包括洪柏豪、蘇奕瑄、趙暄、劉易、吳季恩、羅景任、林志儒、黃駿傑。劇情觸碰最敏感的兩岸議題,描述美、中兩國對峙下,台海戰爭⼀觸即發的前夕,面對情報滲透、戰爭威脅與國際局勢拉扯,台灣如何在危機中掙扎求生與抉擇的故事。
    2024/07/05 17:20
  • 2024 Earth Day: Sustainability report shares practical steps

    Jonathan Hall of Kantar discusses steps for addressing climate change and the role of AI in achieving Taiwan’s 2050 net-zero target at the Earth Solutions 2024 conference.
    2024/04/23 15:58
  • NET ZERO DAY秀技術 工研院:淨零不是成本是商機

    工研院今天舉辦第3屆ITRI NET ZERO DAY,打造淨零時代競爭力論壇暨特展,展現淨零技術能量,工研院董事長李世光表示,節能救地球、減碳賺大錢,淨零減碳不再是成本,而是商機。
    2024/04/19 18:18
  • TSMC chips lead the way in energy savings and net-zero goals

    Discover how Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) is leading the way in energy-saving technology, with chips that save 6.8 kilowatt-hours for every kilowatt-hour used in production. Learn about TSMC’s commitment to net-zero strategies, including advancing their 100% renewable energy goal to 2040, and their collaboration with ITRI to measure their environmental impact.
    2024/04/19 17:56
  • Tainan proudly showcases net-zero efforts at COP28 event

    Discover the sustainable achievements of Tainan City in Taiwan as Director-General Hsu Jen-tse shares the city’s strategies for net-zero sustainability at the COP28 conference. Learn about Tainan’s initiatives to combat extreme weather, promote sustainable development, and achieve low-carbon adaptation. Explore their efforts in constructing an electric bus transport system and implementing smart parking solutions to reduce air pollution. With a focus on renewable energy, Tainan aims to become a solar-powered city with 4GW of solar panel installations. Additionally, the city is actively harnessing renewable water sources, projecting a future water supply of 83,000 cubic meters per day.
    2023/12/07 18:51
  • New Taipei police uncover 42 gang, fraud cases in 10 days

    The New Taipei City Police Department conducted a 10-day operation resulting in the uncovering of 42 cases related to gang activity and fraud, leading to the arrest of 180 individuals. The operation aimed to prevent gang involvement in the upcoming elections, with a particular focus on criminal organizations like the Bamboo Union. During the operation, 73 members from 12 gang branches, including the Bamboo Union, were arrested. Additionally, the police uncovered 30 instances of fraud syndicates, resulting in the arrest of 107 individuals and the seizure of five modified firearms. The total amount of illicit earnings confiscated was over NT$10.23 million. The New Taipei City Police Department emphasized their commitment to maintaining order during the election season and expressed zero tolerance for election gambling or any violence that could disrupt the election. They will continue to carry out specialized operations targeting gang organizations, illegal firearms, drugs, and gambling crimes.
    2023/11/02 21:17
  • Hon Hai Chairman wishes founder happy birthday on Tech Day

    Foxconn Chairman Young Liu extends birthday wishes to founder Terry Gou and wishes him success in the presidential election at Hon Hai’s Tech Day. Prominent industry figures, including NVIDIA’s Jensen Huang, attended the event. Liu highlights the company’s launch of various products in the past three years, emphasizing the CDMS business model’s ability to offer comprehensive and customization solutions for the automotive industry. He also outlines Foxconn’s sustainability goals, pledging zero carbon emissions by 2050 and commitment to cleaner, eco-friendly, and smarter solutions.
    2023/10/18 15:29
  • 氣溫升蒸發快 開普頓Day Zero缺水倒數

    2018/02/22 22:32
  • 開普敦人歡呼「雨滴!」就是甘霖 引頸久盼

    2018/02/12 21:35
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